Saturday, July 01, 2006

Taking the Evening Off

On the off-chance that there's been a sudden in-flux of readers from mytinker, there may not be a wmamp/WMA11b update tonight. I'm getting together with a friend for an evening of junk-food, video games and with any luck Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Yes, I do in fact have other interests besides hacking - hacking the WMA11b just so happens to be the most blog-able.

I'm hoping that while I am out uClibc buildroot will run to completion and I will have a cross-compiling uClibc environment when I get back. If I do, I'm skeptical that I will be able to wait until tomorrow before I start trying to rebuild wmamp's support libraries and ultimately wmamp itself. Note to others who may try to follow this path: make sure that bash is your login shell, or the build process will fail. I could probably have had this working days ago if I wasn't so enamored of tcsh (no link, because as much as I love it, I don't want to hose someone else).
